Tip of the Day
Yoga = Awesome

I am a person who has an extremely hard time just “shutting it off”. My brain is always going. Even in church, instead of listening, I am thinking of my grocery list or bills that need to be paid or some other not so pressing matter. Ultimately my son or daughter will lean into me and my attention is brought back to where it should be but I can’t help drifting. It is me, it has how I have always been. People, especially my husband, often tell me that I think too much. Trust me, I do, and I know...
Smaller Pores and Baking Soda!

Whew, it has been a crazy couple of weeks. With adjusting to having a website and completing a few large orders, I can honestly say that I neglected my duties to the "Tip of the Day". Thankfully, I have some wonderful friends/clients that have stepped up and saved the day (haha, totally intended ;-) ). Today's tip comes from a lady that has been an inspiration to me in so many ways; her positivity is endless and she helps to instill that in so many others (myself included). Anyway, enough with my mushiness and on to the good stuff. I...
Juicing for Health by Andrea Girardi

Today's "Tip of the Day" was written by a wonderful client of mine (who also has excellent taste in soap), Andrea Girardi! Here is one thing Andrea and her family do together to lead a more healthy life... Our household is very busy with two working parents, two kids in elementary school and not to mention the extra curricular activities like soccer. We are on the go and making sure we all eat healthy is important. I started juicing years ago and I loved the benefits-better energy, less body aches, quicker recovery from exercising and better sleep. I got away from...
Drink Rooibos!
I drink a lot of water; seriously, there are very few times you will catch me without it. In fact, I probably spent more time than I should have researching new water bottles (don’t tell my husband). I got my new B.F.F. from Life Factory (https://www.lifefactory.com) and while it doesn’t keep my water cool I am confidant that my water or any other beverage isn’t compromised. Anyway, on to the reason of my post, something that I enjoy filling my bottle with is rooibos tea (think “roy-boss”). For those of you that haven’t heard of rooibos tea, it is actually...
Eating Seasonably
all natural eat organically fruits seasonal produce sustainable vegetables

As a family we try to be very conscience of where our food comes from and how it is produced. This is particularly true when it comes to our beloved fruits and vegetables. Many of my clients share a similar complaint when it comes to the costs of organic fruits and vegetables; they all emphatically state, “organic costs too much”. While this is true in a sense, there are also many ways to lessen the financial burden of eating pesticide free treats. One thing that we have implemented is “eating seasonably”. Meaning, eat what is currently being harvested in your...