Blog — all natural
Me and My Crazy-Soapy Evolution
all-natural DIY eat organically natural soap sustainable vegetables
Why am I typing all this to share with the world? Let’s just say this blog was prompted by the millionth time (maybe a wee bit of an exaggeration) in which I have been asked some derivative of “how did you do it (it being make a huge life change towards living more “naturally”)?” Well, I am letting you know that while it may seem like I’ve got it mostly figured out, I don’t. I have idiosyncrasies and flaws and insecurities. But, I also persevere. If you want to make a change, start small and compromise is OK. Pick your...
Patchouli, Dirty Hippie or Olfactory Awesome?
all-natural natural beauty natural soap patchouli

Today I would like to briefly talk about one of my favorite essential oils, patchouli. Most people, when they hear mention of patchouli immediately think one of two things, dirty hippies or YUM. I happen to be one of the later but have found a majority of folks fall into the first category. This makes me sad. Patchouli, when mingled with the correct essential oils, can smell amazing. I love it with almost anything citrus, geranium, and even lavender. So, what exactly is patchouli and where does it come from? Patchouli is a large evergreen plant and it originates from...
Pickles! Need I Say More?
all-natural DIY eat organically make it yourself pickles seasonal produce vegetables

Happy Tuesday! Today I get to write about something near and dear to my heart, PICKLES! Seriously, I love pickles. My kids love pickles. My husband loves pickles. We are pickle people. We are discerning pickle people. About a year ago, while munching on my favorite refrigerated brand of crunchy deli spears, I read the label. I don’t know what spurred the action because pickles are innocuous, right? I thought that pickles were cucumbers with salt, vinegar, peppercorns, other spices and garlic (or should have been). Boy, I was wrong. My pickles had calcium chloride, sodium benzoate, and polysorbate 80!...
My Love Affair with Bentonite Clay
all natural clay DIY natural beauty
Hello my soapy friends! I hope that everyone has had a fabulous weekend thus far. Today I get to write about and GIVE AWAY one of my most favorite materials made by Mother Nature, Bentonite clay! Bentonite clay ranges in color but is usually a light gray or cream with maybe a subtle hit of green in it. It is a product of volcanic ash and was named for the U.S. town with the largest known deposit of it, Fort Benton, WY. It is also called Montmorillonite for the region in France it is found. Typically, you will see it...